月刊コミックラウド Vol.3, No.10 1.0
世界初の電子書籍専門マンガ雑誌コミックラウド10月号、発売開始!詳しくは公式サイト(にて!Twitterでも情報公開中(@comicloud)。■10月号の表紙は平井一郎「懐中亭主」一寸法師の血を引く歯車輪太郎。いかにして美しい妻道子と結婚することができたのか?■人気漫画がそろって好評連載中!クアドリフォリオ2 : 四條ヨツバは大学で自動車部所属。欧州車でのレースが見ものです。単行本1~3巻も好評発売中!ディメンシャ21 : 酒井ゆきえは訪問介護のプロ。ところが毎回シュールでギャグな展開に。単行本1・2巻も好評発売中!X-ハンターレイ : レイは特殊能力アプリをダウンロードして指令を遂行する。謎めいたミリタリーSF。一本木蛮のまんが家日記 : 海外の漫画人との交流がある蛮ちゃん。世界のおたくに発信。ノブナガール : 異世界に入り込んだ女子高生欄は、ノブナガの鬼力を得て悪鬼を倒していく。懐中亭主 : 懐中堂はマニア納得の腕前を持つ鉄道模型修理店。和服美人と小さなご主人のコンビでのんびりまったり西欧世界をノマド。■“クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエ“岡本健志著四條ヨツバは広葉大学自動車部でメカニックを担当している女子大生。そして“車の声”が聞こえる、という能力を持っています。自動車部では欧州車を愛する仲間とともに切磋琢磨する日々。「大学対抗ジムカーナ大会」でドライバーを務めたクロエは仲間のサポートで逆転優勝を果たしました。そして優勝記念の旅行に日本三景のひとつ宮島へドライブに出かけたヨツバ達、広葉大自動車部。楽しくドライブする彼らにヨツバの友人マヤも加わり、宮島旅行で何が起こる??このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。October issue of e-bookprofessional manga magazine loud, the world's first launch! Formore information at the official site (! Any disclosure ofinformation in Twitter (@ comicloud).■ Ichiro Hirai cover of the October issue "Flashlighthusband"HanawaTaro gear catching the blood of dwarf. Did you able to marryhis wife Michiko and beautiful in what way?■ popular serialized in popular manga is all together!2 network Adrien Folio: YonJo Yotsuba Automotive Department, atthe University. Race car in Europe is a sight to see. 1-3 Volumebook is also on sale!Dimensha 21: Yukie is professional care visit. However thedeployment gag every time surreal. 1.2 Volume book also now onsale!Hunter X-Ray: Ray performs a command to download a special appcapability. Military SF mysterious.Ban-chan there is interaction with cartoon people overseas: DIARYOF A MANGA ARTIST Ippongi Ban. The transmission of the geekworld.Nobunagaru: high school girls field that has entered in a differentworld, will defeat the evil spirit to give a demon force ofNobunaga.Flashlight husband: Kaichu-do The model railroad repair shop thathas the skill of mania assent. The Nomad the Western world chillinrelaxation in a combination of small husband and beautifulkimono.■ "network Adrien Folio Douhet" Takeshi Okamoto AuthorYonJo Yotsuba is a college student that is in charge of themechanic in broadleaf University Motor Vehicles Division. I havethe ability "voice of the car" and that sounds. In the automotivesection day to work hard with colleagues who love Europe Vehicle.Chloe served as a driver in the "Collegiate Gymkhana tournament"has played a behind victory in support of fellow. Yotsuba and wewent out to drive to Miyajima one of Japan's three most scenicspots on the trip of championship memory, broad-leaved largeautomobile parts. Maya friend of Yotsuba also joined them to drivefun, what happens in Miyajima trip? ?This application is created using the [Androbook].
月刊コミックラウド Vol.4, No.5 1.0
世界初の電子書籍専門マンガ雑誌コミックラウド5月号、発売開始!詳しくは公式サイト(にて!Twitterでも情報公開中(@comicloud)。■今月号の表紙はハネダマキ先生花屋の店員がたわいない願望を口にしたその時…。あなたもお気を付けください…。■生花店 (ハネダマキ)仕事で困ったことがあると「楽に解決できないかな」とか「楽に生活したいなぁ」とか人は思うもの。そんな普通の女子の前に魔法少女な雰囲気を漂わせた女性が現れた。そして「あなたの願いを叶えてあげましょう」とにっこり…。ユーモラスな展開のはずがどうにも怖い。ハネダマキの新境地!■人気漫画がそろって好評連載中!【クアドリフォリオ2 】四條ヨツバは大学で自動車部所属。欧州車でのレースが見ものです。レースは始まった!諸星の「死を超越した走り」とどう戦うのかヨツバ!単行本1~4巻も好評発売中!【ディメンシャ21】酒井ゆきえは訪問介護のプロ。ところが毎回シュールでギャグな展開に。今回ゆきえさんは文字通り「死を超越」!死神も翻弄?!単行本1~2巻も好評発売中!【X-ハンターレイ】レイは特殊能力アプリをダウンロードして指令を遂行する。謎めいたミリタリーSF。レイは単独で月城博士のいる宮殿に乗り込もうとするが…。【一本木蛮のまんが家日記】海外の漫画人との交流がある蛮ちゃん。世界のおたくに発信。今回は日本の、世界に誇るキャラクター愛について!【ノブナガール】異世界に入り込んだ女子高生欄は、ノブナガの鬼力を得て悪鬼を倒していく。【生花店】花屋の店員に前に変なお客さんが。勝手に願いを叶えないで!【英雄】クラスのあの子のヒーローになりたい。あこがれと妄想が日々入り混じる中学男子中村くん。君も昔は中村くんだ!このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。May issue of e-bookprofessional manga magazine loud, the world's first launch! Formore information at the official site (! Any disclosure ofinformation in Twitter (@ comicloud).■ cover of this month's issue is Hanedamaki teacherAt that time, the clerk of the flower shop has been in the mouth... Tawainai desire. You also please be careful ....■ Florist (Hanedamaki)The person or "I want to live comfortably" and or "kana can notbe solved easily," If there be in trouble at work what you think.Women who have an air of atmosphere magical girl in front of thegirls such usually appeared. Smile and a "Let me grant your wish".... Should the deployment humorous scary anyhow. New ground ofHanedamaki!■ popular serialized in popular manga is all together![Click Adrien Folio 2]YonJo Yotsuba Automotive Department, at the University. Race car inEurope is a sight to see. The race has begun! What Yotsuba or fight"run you transcend death" of Moroboshi! 1-4 Volume book also now onsale![21] DimenshaYukie is professional care visit. However the deployment gag everytime surreal. This Yukie's "beyond death" literally! Reaper alsomercy? ! 1-2 Volume book is also on sale![X-Ray Hunter]Ray performs a command to download a special app capability.Military SF mysterious. Ray is trying to board the palace thatthere is Tsukishiro Dr. ... alone.[DIARY OF A MANGA ARTIST Ippongi Ban]Ban-chan there is interaction with cartoon people overseas. Thetransmission of the geek world. For character love to boast ofJapan, in the world this time![Nobunagaru]High school girls field that has entered in a different world, willdefeat the evil spirit to give a demon force of Nobunaga.[Florist]The strange visitor before the clerk of the flower shop. Do notgrant a wish without permission![Hero]I want to be a hero of that child in the class. Junior high schoolboys Nakamura-kun mix delusion and longing to enter every day.Kimi's Nakamura-kun in the old days!This application is created using the [Androbook].
月刊コミックラウド Vol.4, No.6 1.0
世界初の電子書籍専門マンガ雑誌コミックラウド6月号、発売開始!詳しくは公式サイト(にて!Twitterでも情報公開中(@comicloud)。■今月号の表紙は岡本健志先生「クアドリフォリオ2」レースは諸星が圧倒的に優勢。しかしヨツバは前を走る黒いSZが放つ叫びを聞き、そして…!■ディメンシャ21駕籠真太郎は月刊コミックラウドでほそぼそと連載をしているしがない漫画家。描いてる漫画は「ディメンシャ21」という、主人公ゆきえが老人介護する作品…てあれ?…編集者は作品のアニメ化を持ちかけてきた!売れるチャンス到来!しかしアニメ化するには様々な制約があるみたいです。さてどうする駕籠真太郎、売るためなら色々変えちゃうのか?■人気漫画がそろって好評連載中!【クアドリフォリオ2 】四條ヨツバは大学で自動車部所属。欧州車でのレースが見ものです。ようやくタツヤとクロエはレース場にたどり着くが既にレースは佳境に!単行本1~4巻も好評発売中!【ディメンシャ21】酒井ゆきえは訪問介護のプロ。ところが毎回シュールでギャグな展開に。今回ゆきえさんは文字通り「死を超越」!死神も翻弄?!単行本1~2巻も好評発売中!【X-ハンターレイ】レイは特殊能力アプリをダウンロードして指令を遂行する。謎めいたミリタリーSF。レイはXランクを使いこなし、ミアバンダルの信用を得る。またアリアも動き出す。【一本木蛮のまんが家日記】海外の漫画人との交流がある蛮ちゃん。世界のおたくに発信。今回はJKがやってる「進撃の巨人」ごっこから様々な創作までを紹介。【ノブナガール】異世界に入り込んだ女子高生欄は、ノブナガの鬼力を得て悪鬼を倒していく。鬼の剣豪カクラは巧みに人心を操るのだった…。【懐中亭主】道子は、小さなご主人輪太郎が見つからなくて心配。一方、妻を持つ輪太郎は一寸法師サイズ仲間から羨ましがられてます。このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。June issue of e-bookprofessional manga magazine loud, the world's first launch! Formore information at the official site (! Any disclosure ofinformation in Twitter (@ comicloud).■ Takeshi Okamoto teacher cover of this month's issue is"network Adrien Folio 2"Moroboshi is overwhelmingly dominant race. But Yotsuba andlisten to the cry of black SZ running a pre-release ...!■ Dimensha 21Palanquin Shintaro is humble cartoonist that the series ToHosoboso monthly comic loud. Cartoon depicts is there called"Dimensha 21", Te work ... the hero Yukie to care for the old?Editors ... has been approached animated works! your chance tosell! But seems there are various constraints to animated. Wellpalanquin Shintaro that what will you, in various ways, or mayencroach if to sell?■ popular serialized in popular manga is all together![Click Adrien Folio 2]YonJo Yotsuba Automotive Department, at the University. Race car inEurope is a sight to see. Get to the race field and Chloe Tatsuyafinally race but the best part already! 1-4 Volume book also now onsale![21] DimenshaYukie is professional care visit. However the deployment gag everytime surreal. This Yukie's "beyond death" literally! Reaper alsomercy? ! 1-2 Volume book is also on sale![X-Ray Hunter]Ray performs a command to download a special app capability.Military SF mysterious. Ray mastering the X rank, I get a credit ofMiabandaru. The Aria also start to move.[DIARY OF A MANGA ARTIST Ippongi Ban]Ban-chan there is interaction with cartoon people overseas. Thetransmission of the geek world. An introduction to the creation ofa variety of make-believe "giant advance" that JK is doing thistime.[Nobunagaru]High school girls field that has entered in a different world, willdefeat the evil spirit to give a demon force of Nobunaga. It wasmanipulate the human nature skillfully swordsman Chachra of demons....Flashlight [husband]Michiko, worry little husband HanawaTaro can not be found. On theother hand, HanawaTaro have a wife has been envy from fellow dwarfsize.This application is created using the [Androbook].
月刊コミックラウド Vol.3, No.12 1.0
世界初の電子書籍専門マンガ雑誌コミックラウド12月号、発売開始!詳しくは公式サイト(にて!Twitterでも情報公開中(@comicloud)。■12月号の表紙は岡本健志「クアドリフォリオ2」。女子大生ヨツバは「車の声」が聞こえます。なんとその声が突然聞こえなくなってショック!!■奇想漫画家 駕籠真太郎著“ディメンシャ21”サンタさんは、毎年必ず12月24日の晩によい子達にプレゼントを置いていってくれます。ところがところがこの年はどうもサンタさんの様子がおかしい…。クリスマスイブでもないのに配り出すし、何度ももらえる子供と全然もらえない子供がいたり…。なんとサンタさんも年には勝てず、老化現象が!そしてゆきえの介護で回復を見せ仕事開始。そんな様子に目をつけた弱小ヤクザ一家がサンタから武器を貰おうと画策!!ますますハチャメチャな様相に!ラストは恐ろしい!ギャグでホラーな駕籠節をお楽しみください。■人気漫画がそろって好評連載中!クアドリフォリオ2 : 四條ヨツバは大学で自動車部所属。欧州車でのレースが見ものです。単行本1~3巻も好評発売中!ディメンシャ21 : 酒井ゆきえは訪問介護のプロ。ところが毎回シュールでギャグな展開に。単行本1・2巻も好評発売中!X-ハンターレイ : レイは特殊能力アプリをダウンロードして指令を遂行する。謎めいたミリタリーSF。一本木蛮のまんが家日記 : 海外の漫画人との交流がある蛮ちゃん。世界のおたくに発信。ノブナガール : 異世界に入り込んだ女子高生欄は、ノブナガの鬼力を得て悪鬼を倒していく。懐中亭主: 懐中堂はマニア納得の腕前を持つ鉄道模型修理店。和服美人と小さなご主人のコンビでのんびりまったり西欧世界をノマド。このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。December loud comice-book world's first professional comic magazine, on sale! Officialsite for more information at (! Any disclosure ofinformation in Twitter (@ comicloud).■ cover of the December issue is the phrase "Adrien folio 2"Takeshi Okamoto."Voice of the car" Yotsuba and students' will be heard. Shock nolonger hear their voices suddenly how! !■ "Dimensha 21" by cartoonist Shintaro palanquin conceitSanta's, who will put their gifts to good children on theevening of the 24th of December every year. Santa's funny how verymuch this year ... But however. I do not even dealt out atChristmas Eve, or have children and children can not get at all ...I get many times. Santa's not even win in what, is aging! Workstart and show the recovery in the care of Yukie. Weak yakuzafamily who is keeping an eye on how such orchestrated attempt Moraoweapons from Santa! ! Aspects to increasingly Confused! Last ishorrible! Please enjoy the horror section palanquin gag.■ During the popular cartoon series popular aligned!2 click Adrien Folio: Yotsuba four Jo affiliation at theUniversity of automotive parts. Car race in Europe is spectacular.Volume 1-3 also on sale book!Dimensha 21: Yukie Sakai professional care visit. But each time thedeployment surreal gag. Volume 1.2 book on sale as well!Hunter X-Ray: Ray is commanded to perform a special ability todownload the app. Military SF mysterious.Chan 蛮 there is interaction with people overseas cartoon: diarycartoonist 蛮 Ippongi. Originating in the world of geek.Nobunagaru: schoolgirl field that enters into a different world, wewill get the power to defeat the devil demon Nobunaga.Flashlight husband: What flashlight is model railroad repair shopwith a convincing geek prowess. Nomad the Western world chillinrelaxing at the combination of beauty and a small husbandkimono.This application is created using [Androbook].
DEMENTIA 21 Vol.4 English Only 1.0
The bizarre manga artist, Shintaro Kagosmashes a new shots!DEMENTIA 21 Vol.4 includes the episode 13-17 (COMICLOUD Vol.3,No.1-No.5).[Storyline]Episode 13:Rumiko Ooyagi is worrying about her wrinkles way too much. YukieSakai recommends her a new cream for beautiful skin, but that hasunthinkable consequences!Episode 14:Ms. Nanae Matsushima just can't pass the Common National SeniorCitizen Center Test. That's when Yukie Sakai, a professional in thefield of senior citizen nursing, is called to help out as a privateteacher. Will Yukie be able to lead Ms. Matsushima to passing theexam?Episode 15:All of a sudden Yukie lost her consciousness during a walk outside.When she wakes up she sees old people wandering around like they'rebeing guided by something. What in the world is going on?Episode 16:Yukie went on a trip to the mountains with a few of her old friendsfrom high school. But in the pension germs are spreading, whichcause their bodies to age rapidly. What will become of them?Episode 17:Kazue, an old lady, has a weird problem. Things in her vicinityjust disappear. Is this once again because of aliens? Or didanother dimension emerge?
ディメンシャ 21 Vol.5 (日本語のみ) 1.0
[あらすじ]介護士酒井ゆきえはたまたま出会ったご老人にもその介護力を発揮!依頼者でなくても彼らの希望を命を張って叶えます!第十八話:お正月にゆきえの運転する車に逃げ込んできたおじいちゃん。毎年大勢の孫にお年玉を要求され、年金もバイト代もすべてお年玉でむしり取られるのだ。しかもいまだ年々増え続ける孫。その孫の増殖をふせぐ為、酒井ゆきえは息子夫婦たちの子作り阻止を図る!第十九話:以前ご依頼いただいた節子さんのお世話をすることになったゆきえ。節子さんは「節子さんが忘れてしまったら何でも消滅させてしまう能力」をお持ち。治療のお陰でその能力はなりを潜めているご様子でやれやれ。亡くなってしまった昔の恋人に会いたがる節子さんに困った夫は、役者を雇い変装・演技を頼む。節子さんに笑顔が戻って喜んでいたが…ゆきえに悪寒が走る!!第二十話:人手不足解消のために開発された死体蘇生技術。何一つ文句も言わず働くゾンビ達。足腰が立たなくなり、そんなゾンビたちが働く介護施設に入寮した古池留理さん。入寮仲間もゾンビの存在を気味悪がる人や便利だと思う人など意見が割れる。留理さんも何とか慣れようと努力する。しかしいつの間にかひとり、またひとりと入寮者が消えていくのだった…。第二十一話:万引老人が増え、刑務所は老人であふれんばかり。どうやら犯罪老人たちは逮捕されたがっているようなのだ!通報があれば対処せざるを得ない警察は新装備を導入した!名づけて「老人犯罪見て見ぬふり機」!センサーが働いて警察官の視覚聴覚などを封印する!さてうまく(?)いくのでしょうか。第二十二話:死後の世界から無事生還した横田さん。この経験を生かして幽体離脱マシーンを開発!遺跡調査や防犯、医学などさまざまな分野で活用されるようになる。ところが画期的な発明は反面特有のトラブルを発生させることに!このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。[Synopsis]Caregiver Yukie to exert its force also care for your old man Imet by chance! You grant to Put the life their hopes without asponsor!Eighteenth episode:Grandpa you've been fled in a car to drive to the New Year ofYukie. Requested the lottery grandchildren of many every year,pension bytes bill he is Mushiritora in all lottery. Moreover, agrowing number of grandchildren every year still. In order toprevent the growth of the grandson, Yukie to achieve the preventionof child making our son a couple!Nineteenth episode:Yukie was supposed to take care of Setsuko's had you asked before.Setsuko's have a "capability that would quench anything Setsuko Ifyou wait too long and forget". * Sigh * the ability on your statein which conceals is thanks to the treatment. Husband troubled toSetsuko that they want to meet with ex-lover you've passed away,ask a disguise, acting hired actor. I was pleased smile back toSetsuko but chills run to ... Yukie! !Twentieth episode:Corpse resuscitation techniques developed to alleviate the manpowershortage in nursing care. Zombies to work without saying anythingcomplaint. Legs no longer stand, Koike Ruri who was dormitory incare facilities such zombies to work. Opinion, such as people thinkfellow dormitory also it useful and people want Kimiwaru thepresence of zombies break. Ruri's also effort to get used somehow.However dormitory who was going to disappear one also alone, beforeI knew ....Twenty-first episode:Shoplifting old man increases, prison exuberant elderly. Crime oldpeople's like wishing arrested apparently! Deal forced policeintroduced a new equipment if there is a report! "Swing machine tobe not to see old man crime" by named! To seal the vision andhearing of police officers sensor is working! Well well Will it go(?)Twenty-second episode:Yokota, who successfully survived from the afterlife. Developmentof machine astral projection by taking advantage of thisexperience! I would be useful in a variety of archaeological sitesand crime prevention field study, such as medicine. But that on theother hand to generate the trouble of specific breakthroughinvention!This application is created using the [Androbook].
クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエ Vol.5 (日本語のみ) 1.0
■ストーリー四條ヨツバは広葉大学の女子大生。祖父の欧州車専門修理工場クアドリフォリオを手伝っている。大学では自動車部でメカニック担当。ヨツバには「車の声」が聞こえる能力があった。定例オフ会に来ていたプジョー206CCオーナーの好意により、試乗に乗り出すヨツバ、クロエとマヤの3人。爽快なフィーリングとキュートなスタイルに一目惚れのマヤはついに初めて購入するクルマを決意するが…■単行本のみの新規追加収録「クアドリフォリオ カーファイル」単行本のみの特典として、クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエに登場する車を新規描きおろしのイラストと共に解説した「クアドリフォリオカーファイル」を追加収録しています。また、月刊コミックラウドでの掲載時に比べ、約30%の高画質化(当社比)を実現しています。このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。■ StoryYonJo Yotsuba is a college student of broadleaf University. Youare helping a European car repair shop specializing in networkAdrien folios grandfather. The mechanic in charge of the automotivesection at the university. Were capable, "the voice of the car" canbe heard in the Yotsuba.Courtesy of Peugeot 206CC owners who had come off the regularmeeting, Yotsuba to embark on test drive, three of Maya and Chloe.Maya of love at first sight in a cute style and exhilaratingfeeling to resolve the car you want to buy for the first time, butfinally ...■ Add new recording of only book "click Adrien Folio carfile"I have been included as additional benefits only book, wasdiscussed along with the illustrations drawn new car that appearsin the network Adrien Folio Douhet a "network Adrien car foliofile".In addition, compared to the time of publication in MonthlyComic loud, to achieve high image quality of about 30%(compared).This application is created using the [Androbook].
クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエ Vol.6 (日本語のみ) 1.0
■ストーリー四條ヨツバは広葉大学の女子大生。祖父の欧州車専門修理工場クアドリフォリオを手伝っている。大学では自動車部でメカニック担当。ヨツバには「車の声」が聞こえる能力があった。定例オフ会に来ていたプジョー206CCオーナーの好意により、試乗に乗り出すヨツバ、クロエとマヤの3人。爽快なフィーリングとキュートなスタイルに一目惚れのマヤはついに初めて購入するクルマを決意するが…■単行本のみの新規追加収録「クアドリフォリオ カーファイル」単行本のみの特典として、クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエに登場する車を新規描きおろしのイラストと共に解説した「クアドリフォリオカーファイル」を追加収録しています。また、月刊コミックラウドでの掲載時に比べ、約30%の高画質化(当社比)を実現しています。このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。■ StoryYonJo Yotsuba is a college student of broadleaf University. Youare helping a European car repair shop specializing in networkAdrien folios grandfather. The mechanic in charge of the automotivesection at the university. Were capable, "the voice of the car" canbe heard in the Yotsuba.Courtesy of Peugeot 206CC owners who had come off the regularmeeting, Yotsuba to embark on test drive, three of Maya and Chloe.Maya of love at first sight in a cute style and exhilaratingfeeling to resolve the car you want to buy for the first time, butfinally ...■ Add new recording of only book "click Adrien Folio carfile"I have been included as additional benefits only book, wasdiscussed along with the illustrations drawn new car that appearsin the network Adrien Folio Douhet a "network Adrien car foliofile".In addition, compared to the time of publication in MonthlyComic loud, to achieve high image quality of about 30%(compared).This application is created using the [Androbook].
クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエ Vol.8 (日本語のみ) 1.0
■ストーリー大学対抗ジムカーナ大会でクロエが優勝!クロエの希望で、世界遺産厳島神社のある宮島に来た自動車部の面々。フェリーで会ったマヤに一目惚れしたシュン。モーレツアプローチのシュンに自動車部のみんなはたじたじだ!自動車部には珍しく恋バナで盛り上がりつつも宮島観光を楽しんでいると不良が絡んできた。さてどうなる!?プリウスのオーナー志摩が小学生の娘アヤカとともにクアドリフォリオにやってきた。最近までアルファロメオを持っていたと言う。そして、アヤカは「クルマの声」が聴こえるとのこと!一方ヨツバはなんと「クルマの声」が聴こえなくなってしまった!!ヨツバが「クルマの声」が聴こえていたと聞いて、アヤカはヨツバをプリウスでのドライブに誘う。そして悩みをヨツバに話すのだった…。■単行本のみの新規追加収録「クアドリフォリオ カーファイル」月刊コミックラウドに好評連載された『クアドリフォリオドゥーエ』第25話〜第28話に加え、単行本のみの特典として、クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエに登場する車を新規描きおろしのイラストと共に解説した「クアドリフォリオカーファイル」を追加収録!!また、月刊コミックラウドでの掲載時に比べ、約30%の高画質化(当社比)を実現しています。このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。■ StoryChloe won the Collegiate Gymkhana tournament! In the hope ofChloe, the surface of the Motor Vehicles Division came to Miyajima,a World Heritage Itsukushima Shrine ways. Shun that was love atfirst sight to Maya met by ferry. Everyone of Motor VehiclesDivision's cringing to Shun approach of Bodacious! Failure came atstake when enjoying Miyajima tourism while upsurge in love Banarare in Motor Vehicles Division. Well what I will be! ?Shima owner of Prius came to network with Adrien Folio daughterAyaka in elementary school. You say you had a Alfa Romeo untilrecently. And it "the voice of the car" is and hear is Ayaka! Onthe other hand, "the voice of the car" has become inaudiblewhopping Yotsuba! !To hear "the voice of the car" has been heard is Yotsuba, Ayakainvites to drive in the Prius Yotsuba. And was talking to thetrouble ... Yotsuba.■ Add new recording of only book "click Adrien Folio carfile"In addition, "click Adrien Folio Douhet" in Episode 25 - Episode28, which is popular serialized in Monthly Comic loud, as a benefitof only books, was discussed along with the illustrations drawn newcar that appears in the network Adrien Folio Douhet "click AdrienFolio car Add record a file "! !In addition, compared to the time of publication in MonthlyComic loud, to achieve high image quality of about 30%(compared).This application is created using the [Androbook].
クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエ Vol.10 (日本語のみ) 1.0
■ストーリー諸星、ヨツバ2人だけのレースが続く。観客は元ブラックバードの早田ジローだけだ。ジローは長年にわたる諸星の研究、RPMでの賭けレースの真の目的を知っていた。…ようやくタツヤとクロエがレース会場を見つけ出し到着。しかしレースはすでにあと2周だ!病魔に侵され体はボロボロの諸星。その死すら恐れぬ諸星の危険な走りが優勢のレース展開。ヨツバは窮地に追い込まれていた。チャンスはあるがそれは1回のみと考えるヨツバ!自動車部の他の部員や元ブラックバードの面々も集まってきた。そしてラストラップ!…夏休みを利用してクロエ、マヤと一緒に海水浴に来たヨツバ。クロエとマヤがそれぞれ自分の将来に向けて進みはじめたことを知る。ヨツバはふと自分の将来に不安を感じるのだった。ヨツバたちは海水浴からの帰り道、緊急入院し手術を受けた諸星と出会った。諸星はレースでのヨツバのドライビングについて語る…。ヨツバが選ぶ「明日」とは何か…クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエ最終巻!■単行本のみの新規追加収録「クアドリフォリオ カーファイル」月刊コミックラウドに好評連載された『クアドリフォリオドゥーエ』第33話〜第36話に加え、単行本のみの特典として、クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエに登場する車を新規描きおろしのイラストと共に解説した「クアドリフォリオカーファイル」を追加収録!!また、月刊コミックラウドでの掲載時に比べ、約30%の高画質化(当社比)を実現しています。このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。■ StoryRace of only two Moroboshi, Yotsuba continues. The audience justSoda Giraud original Blackbird. Giraud knew Moroboshi study of manyyears, the real purpose of betting race in RPM. Arrival and Chloe... Tatsuya finds the race venue at last. But race is two lapsafter already!Body attacked by Byoma Moroboshi is tattered. Dangerous run ofMoroboshi, not fear even the death of the dominant race. Yotsubahad been cornered. Is there a chance but Yotsuba to think it onlyonce! Surface of each original Blackbird and staff of other carparts have also been gathered. The last lap! ...Yotsuba it came to bathing together Chloe and Maya by using thesummer vacation. To know that the Maya and Chloe began to go intothe future of their own. Yotsuba was feel insecure about my futuresuddenly. Yotsuba we met way back from the beach, and Moroboshi youhad surgery and emergency hospitalization. Moroboshi talk aboutdriving of Yotsuba in the race ....Something ... click Adrien Folio Douhet last volume Yotsubachoose the "tomorrow"!■ Add new recording of only book "click Adrien Folio car file"In addition, "click Adrien Folio Douhet" to the first 33episodes - 36 episodes that have been popular serialized in MonthlyComic loud, as a benefit of only books, was discussed along withthe illustrations drawn new car that appears in the network AdrienFolio Douhet "click Adrien Folio car Add record a file "! !In addition, compared to the time of publication in MonthlyComic loud, to achieve high image quality of about 30%(compared).This application is created using the [Androbook].
クアドリフォリオ ドゥーエ Vol.3 1.0
カーマニア注目の「クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエ」第3巻遂に登場!!■あらすじ"車の声"が聞こえる不思議な力を持つ女子大学生ヨツバ。有名レースチームの元チーフエンジニアであった祖父四條源が経営する伊・仏車専門整備工場"クアドリフォリオ"で口が悪くケンカ早い元ディーラーメカニックの中堂ヒデキと働きながら、大学では自動車部に所属し、忙しく楽しい日々を送っていた。蘇芳大学自動車部「ブラックバード」からの招待状を渡されたヨツバ。部員らの前で中身をあけると、そこには部長のタツヤとヨツバを指名したレースの招待状だった。シゲやクロエは「相手にすることはない」とヨツバに言うが、そんな招待状をタツヤは「自分が預かる」と言い出すのだ…■単行本のみの新規追加収録「クアドリフォリオ カーファイル」2011年4月号から6月号までに掲載された第7話から第9話までに加え、単行本のみの特典として、クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエに登場する車を新規描きおろしのイラストと共に解説した「クアドリフォリオカーファイル」を追加収録しています。また、月刊コミックラウドでの掲載時に比べ、約30%の高画質化(当社比)を実現しています。このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。
クアドリフォリオ ドゥーエ Vol.2 1.0
カーマニア注目の「クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエ」第2巻遂に登場!!■あらすじ"車の声"が聞こえる不思議な力を持つ女子大学生ヨツバ。有名レースチームの元チーフエンジニアであった祖父四條源が経営する伊・仏車専門整備工場"クアドリフォリオ"で口が悪くケンカ早い元ディーラーメカニックの中堂ヒデキと働きながら、大学では自動車部に所属し、忙しく楽しい日々を送っていた。学校祭も近づき、自動車部の出し物を考えることになったヨツバは、ふとテレビで見たアイスダンスにインスピレーションを受けて「ドリフトダンス」をクロエと2人でしようと提案するが、クロエは今ひとつ乗り気になれない。そんなヨツバとクロエを密かに盗撮する青年。偶然、ヨツバがみつけるのだが…■単行本のみの新規追加収録「クアドリフォリオ カーファイル」2011年1月号から3月号までに掲載された第4話から第6話までに加え、単行本のみの特典として、クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエに登場する車を新規描きおろしのイラストと共に解説した「クアドリフォリオカーファイル」を追加収録しています。また、月刊コミックラウドでの掲載時に比べ、約30%の高画質化(当社比)を実現しています。このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。
クアドリフォリオ ドゥーエ Vol.1 1.0
電子漫画雑誌「月刊コミックラウド(COMICLOUD)」待望のコミックスシリーズ登場!第1弾は岡本健志氏の描く「クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエ」第1巻!!■あらすじ"車の声"が聞こえる不思議な力を持つ女子大学生ヨツバ。有名レースチームの元チーフエンジニアであった祖父四條源が経営する伊・仏車専門整備工場"クアドリフォリオ"で口が悪くケンカ早い元ディーラーメカニックの中堂ヒデキと働きながら、大学では自動車部に所属し、忙しく楽しい日々を送っていた。大学対抗戦三位入賞を果たし、意気上がる自動車部に突如、フランス語を話す謎の美女がやってきた。前夜、自動車部員のアルファ145を蹴散らしたルノースポールスピダーソットヴァンを駆るこの美女の目的は…■単行本のみの新規追加収録「クアドリフォリオ カーファイル」2010年7月の創刊号から3号までに掲載された第1話から第3話までに加え、単行本のみの特典として、クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエに登場する車を新規描きおろしのイラストと共に解説した「クアドリフォリオカーファイル」を追加収録しています。また、月刊コミックラウドでの掲載時に比べ、約30%の高画質化(当社比)を実現しています。クアドリフォリオ ドゥーエ(QUADRIFOGLIODEUX)は、株式会社クレイジーワークスの村上氏が開発したAndrobookを利用してアプリケーション化しております。
クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエ Vol.7 (日本語のみ) 1.0
■ストーリー「大学対抗ジムカーナ大会」開催日が近づく!神恵院大学の綾小路桜子は、広葉大が乗る車種と同じ147を用意し、クロエを倒すべく準備を進めていた。シェイクダウンを行うものの、部員によるセッティングが気に入らず「綾小路グループのメカニックに最終調整をさせます!」と宣言。一方広葉大自動車部ではヨツバたち部員全員でクロエのドライビングをフォローしていた。いよいよ大会の開催日が来た!レース前の緊張が隠せないクロエの前に突然現れた桜子。クロエとヨツバを挑発した挙句、大会がスタートすると余裕でトップタイムをたたき出す。そんな桜子に負けられないと最高のプレッシャーのかかった中、クロエのアタックが開始される。集中力・冷静さを欠いたクロエは1回目のトライアルでクラッシュ!ヨツバ、シゲ、シュンが必死に修理する。動揺するクロエに、部長タツヤは「チームプレイこそレースの勝利を呼ぶ」と語りかける。2回目のアタックに望むクロエ!!ジムカーナ大会も終わり、日本三景のひとつ宮島へドライブに出かけたヨツバ達、広葉大自動車部。楽しくドライブする彼らを追走する謎のシトロエン…。フェリーからの景色を楽しんでいると…。■単行本のみの新規追加収録「クアドリフォリオ カーファイル」月刊コミックラウドに好評連載された『クアドリフォリオドゥーエ』第21話~第24話に加え、単行本のみの特典として、クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエに登場する車を新規描きおろしのイラストと共に解説した「クアドリフォリオカーファイル」を追加収録!!このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。■ Story"Collegiate Gymkhana tournament" opening day approaches!Providing a 147 the same as the model that has a big broadleafride, Ayanokoji Sakurako of KamiMegumi-in University, was preparingin order to defeat the Chloe. To perform a shakedown, but declared"! Causes a final adjustment to the mechanics of Ayanokoji group"setting by the staff does not like. On the other hand had to followthe driving of Chloe in Yotsuba all our staff in the broad-leavedlarge automobile parts.Opening day of the tournament finally came! Sakurako suddenlyappeared in front of Chloe not hide the tension before the race.The last line you provoke Yotsuba and Chloe, and beat out the toptime in the tournament room is started. While it took the pressureof the best and not lose to such Sakurako, attack Chloe isstarted.Chloe lacking concentration, composure crash trial for the firsttime! Yotsuba, Shige, Shun to repair desperately. To upset Chloe,director Tatsuya speaks "team play what is called the victory ofthe race" he said. Chloe wants to attack a second time! !Gymkhana competitions end, Yotsuba who went to drive to Miyajimaone of the three most scenic spots in Japan, large-leaved MotorVehicles Division. Citroen of mystery that they follow directly todrive ... fun. If you are enjoying the view from the ferry ....■ Add new recording of only book "click Adrien Folio carfile"In addition, "click Adrien Folio Douhet" in Episode 21 - Episode24, which is popular serialized in Monthly Comic loud, as a benefitof only books, was discussed along with the illustrations drawn newcar that appears in the network Adrien Folio Douhet "click AdrienFolio car Add record a file "! !This application is created using the [Androbook].
クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエ Vol.9 (日本語のみ) 1.0
■ストーリーデートに行きたいシュンからマヤを強引に連れ出し、修理が終わり快調な206CCで出かけたクロエ。しかし、道端で苦しむ諸星に偶然出会う。一方、クアドリフォリオへ向かう途中のヨツバは希少な「黒いSZ」に出会う。思わず後を追うヨツバ。その先には諸星が待っていた!諸星はヨツバに再び、自分と1対1の勝負をしろと迫る!「車の声が聴こえる」能力を持つヨツバに固執する諸星。レースに勝つための修練・経験よりも持って生まれた「能力」が勝つのか?と言う。アヤカの事をちらつかせてヨツバに強引にレースを承諾させる。諸星にレース会場を知らされたヨツバは一人黙って視察に向かい、自分の能力と諸星の言葉について考えるのだった。クロエは元ブラックバードの早田に、ヨツバと諸星のレースが行われると知らされる。クロエはレースをやめさせようと必死でヨツバを探しまわるがわからず、タツヤに連絡を入れる。ヨツバと諸星のレースが始まった!勝負は5周。先にゴールした人が勝ちだ。スタート!先を行くのは諸星の黒いSZだ!諸星のレース運びは危険を顧みない。諸星の走りには「恐れ」が無い。失うものがなければレーサーの能力が100%発揮されると諸星は考える。そして今自分は失うものが無いのだ…と。そんな諸星の黒いSZからヨツバは何を「聞く」のか?…果たしてレースの行方は…。■単行本のみの新規追加収録「クアドリフォリオ カーファイル」月刊コミックラウドに好評連載された『クアドリフォリオドゥーエ』第29話〜第32話に加え、単行本のみの特典として、クアドリフォリオ・ドゥーエに登場する車を新規描きおろしのイラストと共に解説した「クアドリフォリオカーファイル」を追加収録!!また、月刊コミックラウドでの掲載時に比べ、約30%の高画質化(当社比)を実現しています。このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。■ StoryChloe Tsuredashi forcibly Maya from Shun you want to go on adate, I went in excellent condition 206CC repair is completed.However, I met by chance in Moroboshi suffering on the street. On the other hand, Yotsuba on the way to network AdrienFolio encounters a rare "black SZ". Yotsuba to follow the lead ofunintentionally. Moroboshi was waiting in the ahead! MoroboshiApproaching again, and white game of one-on-one with their ownYotsuba! Moroboshi to stick to Yotsuba having "the voice of the carhear" the ability. Born with than the training and experience towin the race "ability" or win? I says. Is allowed to accept therace forcibly to Yotsuba by threatened that of Ayaka.Yotsuba was informed of the race venue to Moroboshi toward thevisit silently alone, I was thinking about the words of Moroboshiand my ability.Chloe is informed to the original Soda Black Bird, raceMoroboshi and Yotsuba is made. And around looking for a Yotsuba isdesperate to make him quit the race, but do not know, Chloe put intouch with Tatsuya.Race of Moroboshi and Yotsuba began! Game 5 laps. Who goalearlier've won. Start! Go ahead it's SZ black Moroboshi! Race trackof Moroboshi is set aside the danger. There is no "fear" in therunning of Moroboshi. Moroboshi thinking ability of racer isexhibited 100% if there is nothing to lose. And ... and he does nothave to lose now myself. From black SZ of such Moroboshi YotsubaWhat do the "ask"? Really ... whereabouts of ... race.■ Add new recording of only book "click Adrien Folio car file"In addition, "click Adrien Folio Douhet" in episode 29, second32 episodes that have been popular serialized in Monthly Comicloud, as a benefit of only books, was discussed along with theillustrations drawn new car that appears in the network AdrienFolio Douhet "click Adrien Folio car Add record a file "! !In addition, compared to the time of publication in MonthlyComic loud, to achieve high image quality of about 30%(compared).This application is created using the [Androbook].
This is the pure Manga for ALFA ROMEO lovers!In addition to the four episodes that appeared in MonthlyCOMICLOUD Issues 29 through 32, the book will contain bonusartwork: the CAR FILE. This extra content will have newillustrations and descriptions of the cars that appear inQUADRIFOGLIO DEUX.This book has the far higher quality than they appeared first inMonthly COMICLOUD. Don't miss it!![Story in this book]Shun is about to take Maya on a date when Chloe swoops in anddrags her off for a ride in her 206 CC, which Maya just hadrepaired. But then they suddenly happen to come across KojiMoroboshi on the side of the road. Meanwhile, Yotsuba is on her wayto Quadrifoglio when she spots a Black SZ and decides to followit...Koji Moroboshi has lured Yotsuba with a black SZ. In his creepy,tenacious attempts to understand her power to hear a car's "voice,"he challenges Yotsuba again, this time to a head-to-head race,hinting that if she refuses, then something bad may befallAyaka.Yotsuba goes out to inspect the race course Koji told her about.While she's gone, Chloe figures out what the deal is and heads outto find her friend But that's when she bumps into Jiro, a formermember of Blackbird, in the parking lot...Chloe is in a panic because she doesn't know where Yotsuba andKoji are racing, so she contacts Tatsuya. Meanwhile, Koji has gonemad. He's not afraid of dying, and Yotsuba is at the mercy of hisinsane driving. Where is all this heading?The book contains bonus artwork: the CAR FILE. This extracontent has new illustrations and descriptions of the cars thatappear in QUADRIFOGLIO 2.This application is made by Androbook.
This is the pure Manga for ALFA ROMEO lovers!In addition to the four episodes that appeared in MonthlyCOMICLOUD Issues 33 through 36, the book will contain bonusartwork: the CAR FILE. This extra content will have newillustrations and descriptions of the cars that appear inQUADRIFOGLIO DEUX.This book has the far higher quality than they appeared first inMonthly COMICLOUD. Don't miss it!![Story in this book]As Yotsuba and Koji's race is reaching its climax, Tatsuya andChloe manage to show up. Tatsuya finds Jiro at the starting lineand tries to make him call off the race...Yotsuba finds herself pushed into a tight spot in the final lapof her race with Koji. She's down to her last chance, but will shetake it?Yotsuba spends her summer vacation swimming with Chloe and Mayaat the beach. Hearing about her friends' plans for the future,Yotsuba suddenly feels unsure about her own path...Koji, having recovered from his sickness, meets Yotsuba again.We've all thought of him as the bad guy, but he's got somesurprising things to say. Meanwhile, what tomorrow will Yotsubamake for herself? Find out in this final episode of Quadrifoglio2.The book contains bonus artwork: the CAR FILE. This extracontent has new illustrations and descriptions of the cars thatappear in QUADRIFOGLIO 2.Final Volume!!This application is made by Androbook.
This is the pure Manga for ALFA ROMEO lovers!In addition to the four episodes that appeared in MonthlyCOMICLOUD Issues 21 through 24, the book will contain bonusartwork: the CAR FILE. This extra content will have newillustrations and descriptions of the cars that appear inQUADRIFOGLIO DEUX.This book has the far higher quality than they appeared first inMonthly COMICLOUD. Don't miss it!![Story in this book]After a pre-tournament shakedown cruise, Sakurako, the woman whoviews Chloe as her rival, dismisses her crew and assigns the finalcheck to someone else. Meanwhile, Chloe, Yotsuba and the rest ofher club work like a team finishing up the 147 as the big day drawsnear.Chloe can't hide how nervous she is before the competition, andthen suddenly Sakurako comes by. Not only does she provoke Chloeand Yotsuba--she records the fastest lap in the time trialqualifier! As Chloe gets ready to run her own lap, she putsenormous pressure on herself to beat Sakurako's time. But can shedo it?Sakurako rests on her laurels while Chloe pays the price for hermistake in the first time trial. Now, with Yotsuba and the rest ofthe crew repairing the 147 and Tatsuya offering some valuableadvice, she's setting her hopes on the second round!After the tournament,Yotsuba and the rest of the Koyo UniversityAutocross Club drive out to Miyajima, one of Japan's three greatviews and a world heritage, But who's behind the wheel of themystery Citroen tailing them?The book contains bonus artwork: the CAR FILE. This extracontent has new illustrations and descriptions of the cars thatappear in QUADRIFOGLIO 2.This application is made by Androbook.
This is the pure Manga for ALFA ROMEO lovers!In addition to the four episodes that appeared in MonthlyCOMICLOUD Issues 21 through 24, the book will contain bonusartwork: the CAR FILE. This extra content will have newillustrations and descriptions of the cars that appear inQUADRIFOGLIO DEUX.This book has the far higher quality than they appeared first inMonthly COMICLOUD. Don't miss it!![Story in this book]To celebrate Chloe's victory, Yotsuba and the rest of the KoyoUniversity Autocross Club drive out to Miyajima. Shun falls in lovewith Maya at first sight. He gets Maya to agree to let him show heraround, but Yotsuba and the others are a bit put off by hisaggressiveness. Their trip to Itsukushima Shrine, a World HeritageSite, should be a fun one, but then...Shun loses self-control when the hooligans try to run him offthe road, but he gets a grip when he sees Maya's alarm. Then,unable to hold back any longer, Shun reveals his true feelings toMaya...Maya just had her 206 CC repaired but there's still somethingwrong, so she's brought it to Quadrifoglio. While Yotsuba, who hasa cold coming on, checks it out, a girl wearing headphones andriding in the back of a Prius comes to the repair shop...Yotsuba suddenly can't hear a car's voice anymore. Then Ayakaasks her to drive her dad's Prius. But why?The book contains bonus artwork: the CAR FILE. This extracontent has new illustrations and descriptions of the cars thatappear in QUADRIFOGLIO 2.Graphics quality improved from 600x733 to 800x977 !!This application is made by Androbook.
月刊コミックラウド Vol.4, No.10 1.0
世界初の電子書籍専門マンガ雑誌コミックラウド10月号、発売開始!詳しくは公式サイト(にて!Twitterでも情報公開中(@comicloud)。■今月号の表紙は龍神先生。「X-ハンター レイ」対峙するマリアとカーネル!そしてナタリーの身は?!■“ディメンシャ21” by駕籠真太郎酒井ゆきえは凄腕の介護士。普通の老人から超能力老人、果ては宇宙老人の介護まで、その能力と発想力で乗り切ってきた。高齢化を“是正”する公的機関、人口ピラミッド適正機構はゆきえの能力を見込んで参謀に引き入れる。ゆきえは経験を活かして次々とアイデアを出し成果を上げる!対して“調整”される側の老人たちは反撃の狼煙を上げた!老人特有の能力を活かした攻撃は激烈だ!君には耐えられるか?!そしていよいよ自衛隊も出動!どんどんハチャメチャに!!ブラックでシュールでギャグな駕籠ワールド炸裂です。■人気漫画がそろって好評連載中!【クアドリフォリオ・ゼロ】好評のまま完結した「クアドリフォリオ2」の原点!ヨツバが過ごす、欧州車専門修理店クアドリフォリオでの日々。「車の声」を聴き、愛する車たちの要望に答えるヨツバ。【ディメンシャ21】酒井ゆきえの属する人口ピラミッド適正機構と大日本老人党との戦争が勃発!自衛隊も出動するが老人党めっちゃ強し!単行本1~2巻も好評発売中!【X-ハンターレイ】ドクター月城に迫るレイ!果たして倒すことができるのか?!いよいよドクター月城が手がけてきた恐ろしい研究の謎が明かされる!【一本木蛮のまんが家日記】「ベタな展開」とは、「マンネリ」とは、そして「作風」とは…!難しい命題とともに「全力で描き続けよう!」と蛮ちゃんからの熱いメッセージ!【ノブナガール】とうとう復活を果たした欄。最強の鬼を倒しモトの世界を助けることができるのか!このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。
This is the pure Manga for ALFA ROMEO lovers!In addition to the four episodes that appeared in MonthlyCOMICLOUD Issues 13 through 16, the book will contain bonusartwork: the CAR FILE. This extra content will have newillustrations and descriptions of the cars that appear inQUADRIFOGLIO DEUX.This book has the far higher quality than they appeared first inMonthly COMICLOUD. Don't miss it!![Story in this book]Yotsuba has the extraordinary ability to hear a car's"voice." She works at Quadrifoglio, an auto repair shopspecializing in Italian and French cars. And she is also a memberof the university Autocross Club. Yotsuba's configuration helps herclub to get good prizes on the races. One day in the university,she meets Maya looking to buy her first car. And Maya says hergrandpa left the house saying he was going to buy a Ferrari…! Youfall victim to charms of European cars.This application is made by Androbook.
This is the pure Manga for ALFA ROMEO lovers!In addition to the four episodes that appeared in MonthlyCOMICLOUD Issues 17 through 20, the book will contain bonusartwork: the CAR FILE. This extra content will have newillustrations and descriptions of the cars that appear inQUADRIFOGLIO DEUX.This book has the far higher quality than they appeared first inMonthly COMICLOUD. Don't miss it!![Story in this book]Yotsuba passes by a rare Lancia Rally on the way back fromvisiting an import car show for her job. Nobody at the AutocrossClub believes her when she tells them about it the next day, buther club mate, Shige, happened to see one three days ago.Will Mr. Tanabe, the owner of the Lancia Rally that Shige met inthe mountains, become a Quadrifoglio customer? That was Shige'sidea when he told him about the place. Well, a few days later, Mr.Tanabe rings up Quadrifoglio...Yotsuba asked Mr. Tanabe to let her drive his Lancia Rally toQuadrifoglio so she can hear its voice, but he'll only agree if shelets him take her Alfa SZ.Typically Shige, the autocross club's ace, would be the driverin next month's Intercollegiate Gymkhana Tournament, but one of thecompeting schools has asked the Koyo University team to assignChloe instead. Normally we would expect her to refuse, but for somereason she volunteers to fulfill the request. What's going onhere?This application is made by Androbook.
QUADRIFOGLIO DEUX, the Series for Alfa Romeolovers and Published in Digital Manga Magazine Monthly COMICLOUD,Finally Arrives in Book Format![Overview]Yotsuba is not your average university student: she has theextraordinary ability to hear a car's "voice." She works atQuadrifoglio, an auto repair shop specializing in Italian andFrench cars. The shop is run by her grandfather, Gen Shijo, aformer chief engineer for a famous racing team. Hideki Nakado, afoul-mouthed mechanic with a short temper who used to work at adealership, is also there. Yotsuba is a member of the universityAutocross Club and very busy, but everyday has fun in store forher.As the school festival approaches, Yotsuba thiks about what theAutocross Club's exhibition will be. She's then inspired by an icedancing performance on TV to put on a "drifting dance" with Chloe,but Yotsuba's French compadre doesn't take to the idea atfirst.Meanwhile, a young man has been covertly photographing the twogirls. But when Yotsuba happens to catch him in the act...[New Work, QUADRIFOGLIO CAR FILE, Only in the Book]In addition to the three episodes that appeared in COMICLOUD Issues4 through 6 (January 2011 onward), the book will contain bonusartwork: the CAR FILE. This extra content will have newillustrations and descriptions of the cars that appear inQUADRIFOGLIO DEUX.Graphics quality improved from 600x733 to 800x977 !!Android edition of QUADRIFOGLIO DEUX is generated withAndrobook.
COMICLOUD Vol.1, No.2 English 1.0
COMICLOUD is the world's first manga magazinededicated solely to an e-publishing format. You can find the trialversion on Android Market. If you need more infomation, come andcheck our website, !!This application is made by Androbook.
QUADRIFOGLIO DEUX, the Series for Alfa Romeolovers and Published in Digital Manga Magazine Monthly COMICLOUD,Finally Arrives in Book Format![Overview]Yotsuba is not your average university student: she has theextraordinary ability to hear a car's "voice." She works atQuadrifoglio, an auto repair shop specializing in Italian andFrench cars. The shop is run by her grandfather, Gen Shijo, aformer chief engineer for a famous racing team. Hideki Nakado, afoul-mouthed mechanic with a short temper who used to work at adealership, is also there. Yotsuba is a member of the universityAutocross Club and very busy, but everyday has fun in store forher. The Autocross Club members are in high spirits after winningthird prize at the intercollegiate competition when suddenly, abeautiful yet mysterious French-speaking woman arrives. Why is thisRenault Sport Spider Saute-Vent-driving enchantress, whoovermatched a club member's Alfa Romeo 145 last night, herenow…?[New Work, QUADRIFOGLIO CAR FILE, Only in the Book]In addition to the first three episodes that appeared inCOMICLOUD Issues 1 through 3 (July 2010 onward), the book willcontain bonus artwork: the CAR FILE. This extra content will havenew illustrations and descriptions of the cars that appear inQUADRIFOGLIO DEUX.Graphics quality improved from 600x733 to 800x977 !!Android edition of QUADRIFOGLIO DEUX is generated with Androbookdeveloped by Fukuyuki Murakami, CEO of CRAZYWORKS, Inc.
月刊コミックラウド Vol.4, No.1 1.0
世界初の電子書籍専門マンガ雑誌コミックラウド1月号、発売開始!詳しくは公式サイト(にて!Twitterでも情報公開中(@comicloud)。■1月号の表紙は一本木蛮先生寒~い今年の冬も、バレンタインチョコがあれば、心温まる!?■コミックラウド新人発掘第2弾! ヨコイマリコ “リクルート”就職内定がなかなかもらえない大学生。とりあえず手近なところから「やりたいこと」を見つけて「妄想」するのだが、そんな妄想中の自分を妹に見られてあらら…。男女の微妙な心理を描かしたらピカイチのヨコイマリコ先生。流行の作風に流されることなく独自の価値観や大人のユーモアを描き続けています。この作品も、思わずくすりと笑ってしまい、そして主人公の修平の肩をぽんとたたき「頑張れよ」と声をかけたくなります。■人気漫画がそろって好評連載中!クアドリフォリオ2 : 四條ヨツバは大学で自動車部所属。欧州車でのレースが見ものです。単行本1~3巻も好評発売中!ディメンシャ21 : 酒井ゆきえは訪問介護のプロ。ところが毎回シュールでギャグな展開に。単行本1~2巻も好評発売中!X-ハンターレイ : レイは特殊能力アプリをダウンロードして指令を遂行する。謎めいたミリタリーSF。一本木蛮のまんが家日記:海外の漫画人との交流がある蛮ちゃん。世界のおたくに発信。今月号は島本和彦先生のアトリエ訪問!こだわりだらけ。ノブナガール : 異世界に入り込んだ女子高生欄は、ノブナガの鬼力を得て悪鬼を倒していく。リクルート: オトナな笑いをお届けする、ヨコイマリコ作品新登場!!このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。January issue ofe-bookprofessional manga magazine loud, the world's first launch!Formore information at the official site (! Any disclosureofinformation in Twitter (@ comicloud).■ cover of the January issue Ippongi 蛮先 studentsIf there is a Valentine's chocolate, winter of this year ~ notevencold, heartwarming?■ 2nd! Yokoimariko "recruit" comic loud rookie excavationCollege students do not get quite the prospective job. Locate"goto at a Glance" from the place at hand for the time being Ito"Fantasy," but, uh-oh seen in sister myself of such adelusionLoading .... Yokoimariko teacher ranking Once you havedrawn thesubtle psychology of men and women. And it continues todraw thehumor of adult values ​​and their own without being spreadin thestyle of fashion. I want to call out, "I hang in there" andbashingpop the shoulder of Shuhei hero of this work as well, and,laughedand medicine unintentionally.■ popular serialized in popular manga is all together!2 network Adrien Folio: YonJo Yotsuba Automotive Department,atthe University. Race car in Europe is a sight to see. 1-3Volumebook is also on sale!Dimensha 21: Yukie is professional care visit. Howeverthedeployment gag every time surreal. 1-2 Volume book is alsoonsale!Hunter X-Ray: Ray performs a command to download a specialappcapability. Military SF mysterious.Ban-chan there is interaction with cartoon people overseas: DIARYOFA MANGA ARTIST Ippongi Ban. The transmission of the geek world.Thismonth's issue of the studio visit Shimamoto Kazuhiko teacher!Fullof feelings.Nobunagaru: high school girls field that has entered in adifferentworld, will defeat the evil spirit to give a demon forceofNobunaga.Recruit: to deliver a laugh is an adult, Yokoimariko workdebuts!!This application is created using the [Androbook].
月刊コミックラウド Vol.4, No.3 1.0
世界初の電子書籍専門マンガ雑誌コミックラウド3月号、発売開始!詳しくは公式サイト(にて!Twitterでも情報公開中(@comicloud)。■3月号の表紙は“X-ハンター レイ”龍神先生いよいよ月城博士のもとにひとり乗り込もうとするレイ。こっそりあとをつけるナタリー。ナタリーに同行する謎の双子の青年達…。■一本木蛮のまんが家日記 (一本木蛮)北海道の島本和彦先生のスタジオ訪問記第3弾。デジタルを使い始めた島本先生とデジタルでの作画に関して語り合う。デジタル機器の使い方はいろいろ。どういった使い方をするのかに正解はなく、まんが家それぞれが自分の流儀で決めます。とはいえ、ある点で超えてはならない?一線があります。それは…。また、新人漫画家へのアドバイスもあり!■人気漫画がそろって好評連載中!クアドリフォリオ2 :四條ヨツバは大学で自動車部所属。欧州車でのレースが見ものです。ヨツバの能力に執拗にこだわる諸星。レースすることを決意するヨツバ!単行本1~3巻も好評発売中!ディメンシャ21 :酒井ゆきえは訪問介護のプロ。ところが毎回シュールでギャグな展開に。平凡な団地をめぐる大掛かりなビンゴゲーム。今回はホラー一色。単行本1~2巻も好評発売中!X-ハンターレイ :レイは特殊能力アプリをダウンロードして指令を遂行する。謎めいたミリタリーSF。レイ、ナタリーそれぞれが紛争の地に向かう!一本木蛮のまんが家日記 : 海外の漫画人との交流がある蛮ちゃん。世界のおたくに発信。今回は島本和彦先生とのデジタル談義!ノブナガール : 異世界に入り込んだ女子高生欄は、ノブナガの鬼力を得て悪鬼を倒していく。精肉屋 : 目の前で両親が肉片と化す事故で亡くした肉屋の姉妹。立派に跡を継ごうとするが…。希望の朝 :ヤングサラリーマンの朝の電車通勤。僕のお尻を触るのは誰だ!?いろいろと妄想するも…。肩の力を抜いていきましょう~。このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。March issue of e-bookprofessional manga magazine loud, the world's first launch! Formore information at the official site (!Any disclosure of information in Twitter (@ comicloud).■ teacher Dragon "X-Ray Hunter" cover of the March issueRay tries to board one on the basis of Tsukishiro Dr. finally.Natalie bird-dog secretly. Young men of the mystery of twins toaccompany ... Natalie.■ DIARY OF A MANGA ARTIST Ippongi Ban (Ban Ippongi)3rd studio Visiting of Shimamoto Kazuhiko teacher of Hokkaido.To talk for drawing in the digital and Shimamoto teacher startingto use digital. Use of digital equipment in various ways. notanswer on whether to use the copper said, each cartoonist willdecide on one's own way. That said, there can not be exceeded inthat it there is? Clear distinction. It is .... In addition, adviceto rookie cartoonist too!■ popular serialized in popular manga is all together!2 network Adrien Folio: YonJo Yotsuba Automotive Department, atthe University. Race car in Europe is a sight to see. Moroboshi tostick obstinately to the ability of the Yotsuba. Yotsuba to resolveto race! 1-3 Volume book is also on sale!Dimensha 21: Yukie is professional care visit. However thedeployment gag every time surreal. A large-scale bingo game over amediocre apartment complex. Horror one color this time. 1-2 Volumebook is also on sale!Hunter X-Ray: Ray performs a command to download a special appcapability. Military SF mysterious. Each Ray, Natalie toward theland of conflict!Ban-chan there is interaction with cartoon people overseas: DIARYOF A MANGA ARTIST Ippongi Ban. The transmission of the geek world.Digital lecture and Shimamoto Kazuhiko teacher this time!Nobunagaru: high school girls field that has entered in a differentworld, will defeat the evil spirit to give a demon force ofNobunaga.Sister of the butcher who lost in an accident that parents turninto a piece of meat in front of: Seiniku-ya. While you try totrace the Tsugo ... admirably.Train the morning commute of Young office workers: the morning ofhope. Touching the ass for me but I Who? It is also a lot delusion.... - Let's go to unplug the power of the shoulder.This application is created using the [Androbook].
月刊コミックラウド Vol.3, No.11 1.0
世界初の電子書籍専門マンガ雑誌コミックラウド11月号、発売開始!詳しくは公式サイト(にて!Twitterでも情報公開中(@comicloud)。■11月号の表紙はハネダマキ「パーティ」子供好きのママが近所の子供を集めてパーティを。そこで起こった惨劇…!■人気漫画がそろって好評連載中!クアドリフォリオ2 : 四條ヨツバは大学で自動車部所属。欧州車でのレースが見ものです。単行本1~3巻も好評発売中!ディメンシャ21 : 酒井ゆきえは訪問介護のプロ。ところが毎回シュールでギャグな展開に。単行本1・2巻も好評発売中!X-ハンターレイ : レイは特殊能力アプリをダウンロードして指令を遂行する。謎めいたミリタリーSF。一本木蛮のまんが家日記 : 海外の漫画人との交流がある蛮ちゃん。世界のおたくに発信。ノブナガール : 異世界に入り込んだ女子高生欄は、ノブナガの鬼力を得て悪鬼を倒していく。パーティ : ハネダマキによるゴシックホラー第6弾。思わず息を呑むラスト。■ニュータイプのゴシックホラー”パーティ” byハネダマキ子供たちの集まったパーティで起きた毒物による無差別殺人事件。唯一生き残った少女は刑事の問いに少しずつ答えていった。彼女の語る事件の真相とは…。身近な出来事に潜む闇が、読者の心を突き刺す!ハネダホラーは心の闇を鋭く描き出します。他人事だと思っているあなた。今度はあなたが主役かもしれません…?!このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。November issue ofe-bookprofessional manga magazine loud, the world's first launch!Formore information at the official site (! Any disclosureofinformation in Twitter (@ comicloud).■ cover of the November issue Hanedamaki "party"The party mom of a child-loving attracting children intheneighborhood. Then tragedy that happened ...!■ popular serialized in popular manga is all together!2 network Adrien Folio: YonJo Yotsuba Automotive Department,atthe University. Race car in Europe is a sight to see. 1-3Volumebook is also on sale!Dimensha 21: Yukie is professional care visit. Howeverthedeployment gag every time surreal. 1.2 Volume book also nowonsale!Hunter X-Ray: Ray performs a command to download a specialappcapability. Military SF mysterious.Ban-chan there is interaction with cartoon people overseas: DIARYOFA MANGA ARTIST Ippongi Ban. The transmission of thegeekworld.Nobunagaru: high school girls field that has entered in adifferentworld, will defeat the evil spirit to give a demon forceofNobunaga.6th Gothic horror by Hanedamaki: party. Last you breathtaking.■ Gothic horror "party" by Hanedamaki of new typeThe indiscriminate murder by poison that took place at apartythat gathered the children. Girl who survived only went littlebylittle to answer questions of criminal. The truth of the mattertotalk about her .... Darkness lurking in a familiar event is,piercethe heart of the reader! Hanedahora will sharply portraysthedarkness of the mind. You who thinks that other people'saffairs.You might be leading role this time ...?!This application is created using the [Androbook].
月刊コミックラウド Vol.4, No.4 1.0
世界初の電子書籍専門マンガ雑誌コミックラウド4月号、発売開始!詳しくは公式サイト(にて!Twitterでも情報公開中(@comicloud)。■4月号の表紙は“懐中亭主”平井一郎先生模型を奪ったピエールを追いかけてピエール王国?に着いた輪太郎。道子が心配してますよ!■クアドリフォリオ ドゥーエ (岡本健志)四條ヨツバは大学自動車部でメカニックを担当。ヨツバには「車の声」が聞こえる能力があった!F-1レーサーを目指す親友クロエとともに精進する日々。そこへ以前強引にレースを挑んできたチームを率いていた諸星が今度は諸星自身とヨツバとのレースをヨツバに強要してきた。「君は(努力ではなく)能力を使ってレースに勝ってるじゃないか…」と諸星は言うのだ。一方クロエはヨツバを心配して探し回るが…!■人気漫画がそろって好評連載中!クアドリフォリオ2:四條ヨツバは大学で自動車部所属。欧州車でのレースが見ものです。ヨツバは単独で諸星に指定されたレース場に向かうのだった!単行本1~3巻も好評発売中!ディメンシャ21:酒井ゆきえは訪問介護のプロ。ところが毎回シュールでギャグな展開に。時は12013年。遺跡発掘隊は「ロージン」を発掘する!それは未来人にとって驚くべき生物だった!単行本1~2巻も好評発売中!X-ハンターレイ:レイは特殊能力アプリをダウンロードして指令を遂行する。謎めいたミリタリーSF。カーネルは部下ポールとの約束を果たし、怪物となったポールを殺したのだった。一本木蛮のまんが家日記:海外の漫画人との交流がある蛮ちゃん。世界のおたくに発信。ヒューが「新トキワ荘」に引越しを希望する!さてどんなところか?ノブナガール:異世界に入り込んだ女子高生欄は、ノブナガの鬼力を得て悪鬼を倒していく。絶体絶命のデロリス、コサレス、そして彼らモト族。祭司ミコが祈る!懐中亭主:懐中堂はマニア納得の腕前を持つ鉄道模型修理店。一寸法師なご主人輪太郎と和服美人道子のコンビ。同じサイズのピエールに会ったはいいが、どうにもエラそう。このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。April issue ofe-bookprofessional manga magazine loud, the world's first launch!Formore information at the official site (! Any disclosureofinformation in Twitter (@ comicloud).■ Dr. Ichiro Hirai "husband Flashlight" cover of theAprilissuePierre kingdom chasing Pierre took the model? HanawaTaroIarrived to. Michiko has been worried!■ network Adrien Folio Douhet (Takeshi Okamoto)YonJo Yotsuba in charge of the mechanic at the UniversityMotorVehicles Division. Were capable, "the voice of the car" canbeheard in the Yotsuba! Day to devote oneself with best friendChloe,which aims to F-1 Racer ways. Moroboshi who had led the teamthathas challenged the race forcibly before there have been forcedtoYotsuba race with Yotsuba and Moroboshi himself now. MoroboshiIsay "(rather than effort) are you ... do not you have won theraceby using the ability" he said. On the other hand Chloe butshoparound and worried about the Yotsuba ...!■ popular serialized in popular manga is all together!2 network Adrien Folio: YonJo Yotsuba Automotive Department,atthe University. Race car in Europe is a sight to see. Yotsubawasheaded to the race track that is specified in Moroboshi alone!1-3Volume book is also on sale!Dimensha 21: Yukie is professional care visit. Howeverthedeployment gag every time surreal. When is 12013years.Archaeological team to discover "rosin"! It was amazingorganismfor the future people! 1-2 Volume book is also onsale!Hunter X-Ray: Ray performs a command to download a specialappcapability. Military SF mysterious. To keep his promise tothepeople Paul, the kernel was killed a pole that becameamonster.Ban-chan there is interaction with cartoon people overseas: DIARYOFA MANGA ARTIST Ippongi Ban. The transmission of the geek world.Hughwants to move to the "new Tokiwa"! Now or What kind ofplace?Nobunagaru: high school girls field that has entered in adifferentworld, will defeat the evil spirit to give a demon forceofNobunaga. They moto group of Deloris desperate situation,andKosaresu,. Miko priest pray!Flashlight husband: Kaichu-do The model railroad repair shopthathas the skill of mania assent. Combination of kimono beautyMichikoand her husband HanawaTaro a dwarf. The good I met Pierre ofthesame size, but bossy any way.This application is created using the [Androbook].
COMICLOUD Vol.4, No.4 English 1.0
This is the world first MangaMagazineexclusive for E-publishing. All the mangas in this bookareprovided only for COMICLOUD. Grab the real state-of-the-artcomicscoming from JAPAN![QUADRIFOGLIO 2 by Takeshi Okamoto]Yotsuba goes out to inspect the race course Koji told herabout.While she's gone, Chloe figures out what the deal is andheads outto find her friend But that's when she bumps into Jiro, aformermember of Blackbird, in the parking lot....The books (Vol.1 - Vol.3) have been released.[DEMENTIA 21 by Shintaro Kago]The year is 12013. Yukieko Sakai found remains of anancienthuman culture and analyzes discovered items. She comes toahorrible conclusion... It happens once in a while that anewdiscovery overthrows currently accepted historical theories,butthe world in ancient times may just be a product ofhumankind'sfantasy.The books (Vol.1 - Vol.2) have been released.[X-HUNTER RAY by Ryu-zin]The Colonel has summoned all his might to crush the EhidoraunderRoom 2's thick door, yet it's terrific power keeps italive... Theepic duel between the Colonel and the Ehidora isfinally drawing toa close. Meanwhile, Ray, tailed by Natalie, haslanded at the nearbyairport. Our hero returns! I've been waiting along time for thispart of the story.[IT'S BANG IPPONGI' S DIARY OF A MANGA ARTIST by Bang Ippongi]All of a sudden Hue wants to move into the Tokiwa Mansion.Willhis dream come true? I knew about the existence of a "NewTokiwaMansion," but I don't know what exactly it is. This chapterwillmake things clear![POCKET HUSBAND by Ichiro Hirai]Rintaroh has strayed into the Republic of Pierre, amysteriousworld ruled by King Pierre. Will Rintaroh ever get backto his dearand voluptuous Michiko?! Ah, so that's what's going on!Maybe nowwe can unravel the secrets behind the Republic ofPierre...[NOBUNA-GIRL by Taro Matsumoto]Deloris fell to the influence of Natan's magic. Her swordwastaken, and Lady Miko and Kosares were taken as hostages.TheHallucination Blade is unexpectedly powerful! Deloris is alreadyinthe biggest danger imaginable. How can she get out ofthispredicament?This application is made by Androbook.
DEMENTIA 21 Vol.2 English 1.0
The bizarre manga artist, Shintaro Kagosmashesa new shots!DEMENTIA 21 Vol.2 includes the episode 4-7 (COMICLOUDVol.2,No.4-No.7) and SEPARATE (COMICLOUD Vol.1, No.3).[DEMENTIA 21]What will nursing be like in the future? Yukie Sakai, a homecaregiver, is a specialist for nursing patients under theseriouscondition. The patients are, for example, "Reddleman," thehero whoused to protect peace on earth, and the president of anadvancednursing home in which everything is controlled bymachines,and…![SEPARATE]In the year 20XX mankind successfully develops a "bodyseparationtechnology". People's lives changed drastically as theupper bodyhalf can do intellectual work, while the lower body halfcarriesout physical labor…Shintaro Kago'2 works are about eroticism,grotesqueness,nonsense, black humor, imprudence and bizarre things.Many of hismanga are characterized by an experimental style thatusesmetaexpressions. Apart from manga he has a wide range ofcreativeoutlets ranging from illustrations and modeling tovideo.Don't miss it!!This application is made by Androbook.
DEMENTIA 21 Vol.1 日本語版 1.0
電子漫画雑誌「月刊コミックラウド(COMICLOUD)」コミックスシリーズ第2弾!駕籠真太郎氏の描く「DEMENTIA 21」第1巻登場!!■あらすじ新人ホームヘルパーの酒井ゆきえ。先輩ホームヘルパーの嫉妬から何かワケありの家庭を担当するはめに。そこで起こる不可解な出来事に巻き込まれるゆきえ。彼女は様々な困難を乗り切って今日評価を得ることができるのか!?最初はなぜか派遣された介護士が次々と大怪我をする呪われた家。ゆきえも夜な夜な危機に見舞われるが間一髪のところで難を逃れていた。さてその真相は?次は三姉妹のおばあちゃんの家。一人で三人のお世話は大変と思いきや翌日には六人に!そしてさらに…。増え続ける老人にてんてこ舞いの酒井ゆきえ。果たしてゆきえはこの困難を乗り切れるのか?最後の派遣先は超能力者のおばあちゃん宅。おばあちゃんの記憶から消えてしまったモノ・ヒトはすべてこの世から消滅してしまうというやっかいな能力の持ち主。ついに痴呆が進行し、おばあちゃんの超能力は大暴走!果たして酒井ゆきえの運命は?■単行本のみの特別企画「駕籠真太郎インタビュー」収録作品はコミックラウド誌上で連載中の「ディメンシャ21」第1話から第3話までに加え、創刊号掲載「印度で乱数」、創刊2号(Vol.1,No.2)掲載の「探偵スモーキング」の計五本。また、単行本のみの特典として、作者駕籠真太郎へのインタビューも掲載しています。DEMENTIA21は、株式会社クレイジーワークスの村上氏が開発したAndrobookを利用してアプリケーション化しています。
DEMENTIA 21 Vol.6 English Only 1.0
The bizarre manga artist, Shintaro Kagosmashesa new shots!DEMENTIA 21 Vol.6 includes the episode 23-28 (COMICLOUDVol.3,No.11-Vol.4, No.4).[Storyline]Episode 23 Yukie Sakai and other members of theresistancebravely made a counterstrike against the diapers that aresteadilytaking over the world. Diapers vs. Humanity. How will itend?Episode 24 This year again the season where we all happilywaitfor Santa's presents has finally come... or so we thought!Theslightly demented Santa Clause is causing a lot oftroublethroughout the town.Episode 25 When an old lady found out that herdaughter-in-lawconcocted an evil plan to kill her using mochi(sticky rice cakes),she underwent a special muscle trainingprogram.Episode 26 Mr. Kayama used to be a famous actor. Valentine'sDayis supposed to be a happy day, but for him it's purehorror...Episode 27 The annual bingo tournament is about to begin!Butinstead of regular bingo cards a housing complex forseniorcitizens is used...Episode 28 The year is 12013. Yukieko Sakai found remains ofanancient human culture and analyzes discovered items. She comes toahorrible conclusion...The bizarre manga artist, Shintaro Kago smashes a new shots!
COMICLOUD Vol.1, No.3 English 1.0
COMICLOUD is the world's first mangamagazinededicated solely to an e-publishing format. You can findthe trialversion on Android Market. If you need more infomation,come andcheck our website, !!This application is made by Androbook.
COMICLOUD Vol.4, No.10 English 1.0
This is the world first MangaMagazineexclusive for E-publishing. All the mangas in this bookareprovided only for COMICLOUD. Grab the real state-of-the-artcomicscoming from JAPAN![QUADRIFOGLIO ZERO by Takeshi Okamoto]19-year-old Yotsuba Shijo works as a mechanic at Quadrifoglio,anauto repair shop run by her grandfather, Gen Shijo, a formerraceteam mechanic. But Yotsuba does more than fix upautomobiles... Shepossess the mysterious power to instantlydiagnose a broken downvehicle's problem.The books “QUADRIFOGLIO 2” (Vol.1 - Vol.4) have been released.[DEMENTIA 21 by Shintaro Kago]With the help of Yukie Sakai the Organization for aProperPopulation Pyramid did a good job in reducing the number ofoldpeople, but then they started to fight back! Master Kago isagaintackling a social problem with sharp dark humor turningintoslapstick! Will Yukie finally have her back againstthewall?!The books (Vol.1 - Vol.2) have been released.[X-HUNTER RAY by Ryu-zin]Ray has finally caught up to Dr. Tsukishiro, and now hefinallyhears the truth. What follows is his final battle withtheColonel... All the mysteries are explained in this final episodeofX-Hunter Ray, a manga series that's given us abreathtakinglyfast-paced story![IT'S BANG IPPONGI' S DIARY OF A MANGA ARTIST byBangIppongi]Highlights from "Bang Ippongi's Diary of a Manga Artist."Readfamous words of some characters again. It has been 3 yearssincethe serialization started. In the last chapter Bang-chan issendingall her readers and young manga artists a cheerful messagein hervery own style![NOBUNA-GIRL by Taro Matsumoto]Ran finally came back to life! Now she has to fight thestrongestof all swordmasters, Sigma. I've waited for this! FinallyRan cameback to life! There aren't many manga with the heroineabsent for solong, right?! To the climax in one go!!This application is made by Androbook.
COMICLOUD Vol.4, No.6 English 1.0
This is the world first MangaMagazineexclusive for E-publishing. All the mangas in this bookareprovided only for COMICLOUD. Grab the real state-of-the-artcomicscoming from JAPAN![QUADRIFOGLIO 2 by Takeshi Okamoto]As Yotsuba and Koji's race is reaching its climax, TatsuyaandChloe manage to show up. Tatsuya finds Jiro at the startinglineand tries to make him call off the race... In this episode,Jirotalks about how he met Koji and what his true purpose is...Will wefind out why he's targeting Yotsuba? Don't miss thisinstallment ofQF2!The books (Vol.1 - Vol.4) have been released.[DEMENTIA 21 by Shintaro Kago]Manga artist Shintaro Kago. Although he draws manga forComicloudevery month, the pay just isn't enough for a living. Thensuddenlythere are talks about turning Dementia 21 into an anime.Finally astory in Comicloud where Master Shintaro Kago basheshimself! Andthen there's Dementia 21... An adventure in a parallelworld!The books (Vol.1 - Vol.2) have been released.[X-HUNTER RAY by Ryu-zin]Don Kilmister has introduced Ray to Miabandul so he can helpRayinfiltrate al-Dolbel's palace. Meanwhile, Maria is confinedinside,but slips out of her room to find the Colonel. This storyhas beenmoving along so many parallel lines: Al-Dolbel's palace,Ray,Maria, Miabandul... And now they're all coming together inshockingfashion![IT'S BANG IPPONGI' S DIARY OF A MANGA ARTIST byBangIppongi]This chapter is about high-school girls taking playfulphotoswith their cameras. Bang-chan introduces you to the world ofcheatshots full with aspects of the Japanese otaku culture.Todayeverybody can express themselves freely. The times surelyhavechanged! However, the origins of all kinds of play have beenthesame in the past and present.[POCKET HUSBAND by Ichiro Hirai]Michiko has lost her dear Rintaroh, but the kind trainconductorhas come to help her...or has he? We learn just whatPierre and hisgoons are up to! Meanwhile, Francoise is putting herown plan intomotion. Rintaroh's not out of the woods yet![NOBUNA-GIRL by Taro Matsumoto]Kakura took over the body of the village headman's daughterandstarted to control the villagers by posing as their savior.Whatwill Azuba, who turned himself in, do now? A newswordmasterappeared. And she's so strong even Azuba fears her.Every enemy isstronger than the last! Will Azuba be able to defeatKakura?This application is made by Androbook.
COMICLOUD Vol.3, No.9 English 1.0
This is the world first MangaMagazineexclusive for E-publishing. All the mangas in this bookareprovided only for COMICLOUD. Grab the real state-of-the-artcomicscoming from JAPAN![QUADRIFOGLIO 2 by Takeshi Okamoto]Yotsuba and the rest of the Koyo University Autocross Club driveoutto Miyajima, one of Japan's three great views, to celebrateChloe'svictory. But who's behind the wheel of the mystery Citroentailingthem?The books (Vol.1~Vol.3) have been released.[DEMENTIA 21 by Shintaro Kago]As the number of elderly shoplifters grew, the prisons becamefullwith senior citizens. What kind of unthinkable secret plan willthegovernment and police come up with?The books (Vol.1~Vol.2) have been released.[X-HUNTER RAY by Ryu-zin]Don Kilmister has pinned down the location of Dr. Tsukishiro'slaband assaulted the building. But what he doesn't know about istheunimaginable monstrosities lurking inside...[IT'S BANG IPPONGI' S DIARY OF A MANGA ARTIST by BangIppongi]Bang-chan's new book "Bicycle Diary 2012" is out! This chapterisabout material collection and making of this manga, and alsoshowsus the unforgiving backside of all that.[Just the Two of Us by Maki Haneda]A pair of twin girls, they did everything together. But thingsstartto come apart one day when they both fall for the sameboy...[NOBUNA-GIRL by Taro Matsumoto]Byro could escape from another attack of the Oni, but this wasatrap set up by the Oni. The Oni hunter tribe is in bigtrouble!What will happen to Deloris and Miko?This application is made by Androbook.
COMICLOUD Vol.3, No.7 English 1.0
This is the world first MangaMagazineexclusive for E-publishing. All the mangas in this bookareprovided only for COMICLOUD. Grab the real state-of-the-artcomicscoming from JAPAN![QUADRIFOGLIO 2 by Takeshi Okamoto]Chloe can't hide how nervous she is before the competition, andthensuddenly Sakurako comes by. Not only does she provoke ChloeandYotsuba--she records the fastest lap in the time trialqualifier! AsChloe gets ready to run her own lap, she putsenormous pressure onherself to beat Sakurako's time. But can shedo it?[DEMENTIA 21 by Shintaro Kago]Yukie was called again to look after Setsuko, an old woman whoshehas cared for some time ago. Setsuko's "power to makeeverythingdisappear" quieted down thanks to the therapy and shelooks quitehealthy, but...[X-HUNTER RAY by Ryu-zin]Ray comes to save Natalie, standing between her and theColonel'sclutches. But how is Ray going to help her when his bodyhas takensuch a beating?[IT'S BANG IPPONGI' S DIARY OF A MANGA ARTIST by BangIppongi]This chapter is about things manga artists experienced inthe"analog age." Having said that, back in the day this wascuttingedge technology! The times are changing fast![THE BARBER SHOP by Haneda Maki]Soon after opening a barber shop to seek clues about her parents,ayoung woman meets a man bearing a familiar ring. Now destinytakesher life down an unexpected path...[NOBUNA-GIRL by Taro Matsumoto]Ran, who was supposed to be inside the ore, is gone. Azuba lostbothhis arms and is on the verge of despair, because he couldn'tsavethe Moto couple.This application is made by Androbook.
COMICLOUD Vol.2, No.12 English 1.0
This is the world first MangaMagazineexclusive for E-publishing. All the mangas in this bookareprovided only for COMICLOUD. Grab the real state-of-the-artcomicscoming from JAPAN![New Episodes of Hit Manga Series!]Read more from Takeshi Okamoto's QUADRIFOGLIO 2, the world'sonlydedicated Alfa Romeo manga, along with DEMENTIA 21, auniquelysurreal and nonsensical work released by the geniusShintaro Kago!There's also X-HUNTER RAY, the near-future sci-fistory by Ryu-Zin;Taro Matsumoto's NOBUNA-GIRL, which enters a newchapter; as wellas IT'S BANG IPPONGI'S DIARY OF A MANGA ARTIST, inwhich Bangweaves her tale about the daily life of a mangaartist.[THE SEED OF LOVE by Haruki Fujimoto, first Boys’ Love MangaonCOMICLOUD]Gus and Kei are a gay couple who find themselves lookingafterGus' niece Maho in their home. Neither of them is very goodatinteracting with women. Can they handle this unusualsituation?This work is COMICLOUD's first "Boys' Love" (BL, perhapsbetterknown to our English-speaking readers as "yaoi") manga.Coming fromour esteemed Ms. Fujimoto, it's sure to be a warm andfuzzy,heart-warming story for any of our readers.This application is made by Androbook.
COMICLOUD Vol.4, No.7 English 1.0
This is the world first MangaMagazineexclusive for E-publishing. All the mangas in this bookareprovided only for COMICLOUD. Grab the real state-of-the-artcomicscoming from JAPAN![QUADRIFOGLIO 2 by Takeshi Okamoto]Yotsuba finds herself pushed into a tight spot in the finallapof her race with Koji. She's down to her last chance, but willshetake it? Yotsuba's race with Koji is down to the final lap!Whichwill prove the stronger: his theory or her unique power?The books (Vol.1 - Vol.4) have been released.[DEMENTIA 21 by Shintaro Kago]All of a sudden Yukie is told that she's out of her job.Shestarts to suspect the report that she has no memory of and triestofind out the truth, but... Come to think of it, Yukie is anurseand her daily efforts were evaluated. This splendid chapterbringsus back to the beginnings of Dementia 21!The books (Vol.1 - Vol.2) have been released.[X-HUNTER RAY by Ryu-zin]Something terrible happens while Natalie waits inMiabandul'shome. Meanwhile, Maria, after her escape, has Belindalead her toher mother. We finally get to see L and R in action, andMaria willreunite with her mother! Yet they find themselves in themidst of agrowing tempest...[IT'S BANG IPPONGI' S DIARY OF A MANGA ARTIST byBangIppongi]Manga artists sometimes travel in time when drawing amanga.Bang-chan is one of them. She even drags people around herinto itand all ends up in a big reunion. I didn't know that mybelovedbig-breasted idols had such problems!! Lots of funnyanecdotesabout girls with big breasts![THE VIRGIN SWITCH by Mariko Yokoi]Rika, a school girl, has fallen for an adult man, but hercrushpulls her down to the depths of immorality... No boy cancompetewith a teenage girl's dream guy. Find out why in MarikoYokoi'sshort erotic comedy, her fourth story for Comicloud![NOBUNA-GIRL by Taro Matsumoto]Kakura and the villagers raid the mobsters' secret base.Thevillagers are increasingly charmed by Kakurascharismaticleadership. The villagers have become a plaything inKakura's evilscheme. Hey, Azuba and Deloris! How will you fightagainst allthose swordmasters appearing one after another?!This application is made by Androbook.
月刊コミックラウド Vol.2, No.12 1.0
世界初の電子書籍専門マンガ雑誌コミックラウド12月号、掲載作品も増えて発売開始!詳しくは公式サイト(にて!Twitterでも情報公開中(@comicloud)。■人気漫画がそろって好評連載中!世界で唯一のアルファロメオ漫画、岡本健志「クアドリフォリオ2」。鬼才駕籠真太郎が放つシュールでナンセンスな逸品「ディメンシャ21」。龍神の描く近未来SF「Xハンターレイ」。新たな章に突入した松本太郎「ノブナガール」。漫画家の日常を紡ぎだす一本木蛮「一本木蛮のまんが家日記」、と連載シリーズは好評です。隔月連載の藤本ハルキ「きつまん」は今回休載になります(「愛の種」掲載の為)。■ 年末号特別作品“愛の種” 藤本ハルキ得意の心温まるBLストーリー同性愛カップルのカズと恵。そんな二人に所にカズの姪っ子である真歩がやって来た。基本女の子が苦手な二人。無事に乗り切る事ができるのか…?コミックラウド初のBL作品登場。藤本ハルキ先生らしいハートウォーミングな作品です。このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。Launched in Decemberissuee-book professional manga magazine loud, the world's firstpublishedwork even more! For more information at the officialsite(! Any disclosure of informationinTwitter (@ comicloud).■ popular serialized in popular manga is all together!Alfa Romeo in the world of comics only, Takeshi Okamoto,"clickAdrien Folio 2". In the surreal genius Shintaro palanquinshootsgem nonsense "Dimensha 21". Near future SF drawn by theDragon "XRay Hunter". Taro Matsumoto has entered into a newchapter"Nobunagaru". Series series is popular with, "DIARY OF AMANGAARTIST Ippongi Ban" Ban Ippongi that begins to spin the dailylifeof a manga artist. (Because of the publication "seed of love")thatwill be the hiatuses this time Fujimoto Haruki bimonthly seriesis"Kitsuman".■ BL story heartwarming Fujimoto Haruki good "seeds oflove"year-end special issue workKazu and grace of homosexual couples. True step is the nieceofKaz girl came to a place in such two people. Two people whodoesnot like a basic girl. Do you be able to get through safely...? BLappearance of the work's first comic loud. It is the workaheartwarming like Haruki Fujimoto teacher.This application is created using the [Androbook].
DEMENTIA 21 Vol.1 English Ver. 1.0
Sci-Fi Nursing Manga?! ”DEMENTIA21”What will nursing be like in the future? Yukie Sakai, a homecaregiver, is a specialist for nursing patients under theseriouscondition. Although she does her best for the patients, shecannotachieve the high-reward rating. It is because of thepatients'peculiar behaviour.... Don't miss the manga maestro Kago'sstrangeworld!In the first place she's sent to there are a lot ofmysteriousincidents and all the home helper got serious injury. Canshe avoidthe accidents and complete the mission?In the second story, Yukie is sent to the house of 3 oldsisters.She felt that caring for 3 people all by herself wasstrenuous, butthe next day there were 6 people! And soon evenmore... As thenumber of old people keeps increasing, Yukie getstremendously busy.Will she be able to overcome this hardship?In the final story, Yukie is sent to the house of an old womanwithdangerous supernatural powers. Things and persons she forgetsjustdisappear from this world. In the end the old woman's dementiagetsworse and her supernatural powers run wild! What will becomeofYukie?!Interviews with Shintaro Kago, Only in the BookThe works in this book are the first three episodes of DEMENTIA21,KAGO MANIA, and Detective SumoKING. In addition to those,theinterviews with Kago appear in this book.This application is made by Androbook.
QUADRIFOGLIO DEUX, the Series for AlfaRomeolovers and Published in Digital Manga Magazine MonthlyCOMICLOUD,Finally Arrives in Book Format![Overview]Yotsuba is not your average university student: she hastheextraordinary ability to hear a car's "voice." She worksatQuadrifoglio, an auto repair shop specializing in ItalianandFrench cars. The shop is run by her grandfather, Gen Shijo,aformer chief engineer for a famous racing team. Hideki Nakado,afoul-mouthed mechanic with a short temper who used to work atadealership, is also there. Yotsuba is a member of theuniversityAutocross Club and very busy, but everyday has fun instore forher.Yotsuba has received an invitation from Blackbird,SUOUUniversity Autocross Club. When she and the other club membersopenit, they find it's addressed to her and Captain Shinohara.Shigeand Chloe advise Yotsuba not to get involved with Blackbird,butTatsuya's decided to take matters into his own hands...[New Work, QUADRIFOGLIO CAR FILE, Only in the Book]In addition to the three episodes that appeared in COMICLOUDIssues7 through 9 (April 2011 onward), the book will containbonusartwork: the CAR FILE. This extra content will havenewillustrations and descriptions of the cars that appearinQUADRIFOGLIO DEUX.Graphics quality improved from 600x733 to 800x977 !!Android edition of QUADRIFOGLIO DEUX is generatedwithAndrobook.
QUADRIFOGLIO DEUX, the Series for AlfaRomeolovers and Published in Digital Manga Magazine MonthlyCOMICLOUD,Finally Arrives in Book Format![Overview]Blackbird, the group led by Koji Moroboshi, gets itsunofficialrace underway. Yotsuba's configuration helps Tatsuya justenough tokeep ahead of the relentless Keiji. Enraged, Keiji angrilyslamsthe pedal to the floor on the last lap, but then...Yotsuba has invited Hideki to a special get-together forEuropeancar enthusiasts, but when he figures out she's actuallyduped himinto running a sales promo, he gets ticked off. ThenChloe bringsMaya, a college girl looking to buy her firstcar...[New Work, QUADRIFOGLIO CAR FILE, Only in the Book]In addition to the three episodes that appeared inCOMICLOUDIssues 10 through 12 (January 2011 onward), the book willcontainbonus artwork: the CAR FILE. This extra content will havenewillustrations and descriptions of the cars that appearinQUADRIFOGLIO DEUX.Graphics quality improved from 600x733 to 800x977 !!Android edition of QUADRIFOGLIO DEUX is generatedwithAndrobook.
DEMENTIA 21 Vol.7 English Only 1.0
The bizarre manga artist, Shintaro Kagosmashesa new shots!DEMENTIA 21 Vol.7 includes the episode 29-34 (COMICLOUDVol.4,No.5-No.10).[Storyline]Episode 29 Yukie Sakai was hit by a truck out of the blue!Willthis be the end of her life...?Episode 30 Manga artist Shintaro Kago. Although he drawsmangafor Comicloud every month, the pay just isn't enough for aliving.Then suddenly there are talks about turning Dementia 21 intoananime.Episode 31 All of a sudden Yukie is told that she's out ofherjob. She starts to suspect the report that she has no memory ofandtries to find out the truth, but...Episode 32 Yukie Sakai lost her job at Green Net. She's tryingtolook for work, but those photos (of her procrastinating fromthelast chapter) are circulating and making things verydifficult.Episode 33 Yukie Sakai lost her job and sled into debt. Thenshewas approached by the Organization for a Proper PopulationPyramid.What are they trying to achieve?Episode 34 With the help of Yukie Sakai the Organization foraProper Population Pyramid did a good job in reducing the numberofold people, but then they started to fight back!Final Volume!!This application is made by Androbook.
月刊コミックラウド Vol.3, No.8 1.0
世界初の電子書籍専門マンガ雑誌コミックラウド8月号、発売開始!詳しくは公式サイト(にて!Twitterでも情報公開中(@comicloud)。■8月号の表紙は龍神著「Xハンター レイ」。レイが持つのは特殊なスマホ。ダウンロードするアプリで、さまざまな能力を手に入れることが出来ます。■人気漫画がそろって好評連載中!クアドリフォリオ2 : 四條ヨツバは大学で自動車部所属。欧州車でのレースが見ものです。ディメンシャ21 : 酒井ゆきえは訪問介護のプロ。ところが毎回シュールでギャグな展開に。X-ハンターレイ : レイは特殊能力アプリをダウンロードして指令を遂行する。謎めいたミリタリーSF。一本木蛮のまんが家日記 : 海外の漫画人との交流がある蛮ちゃん。世界のおたくに発信。ノブナガール : 異世界に入り込んだ女子高生欄は、ノブナガの鬼力を得て悪鬼を倒していく。理髪店 : 少女は両親の手がかりを捜すために理髪店を開いた。そこへ来るお客が…。■“懐中亭主“平井一郎著懐サイズのご主人と和服美人の奥様。二人は鉄道模型の修理店“懐中堂”を営んでいます。ご主人はどんな細かい修理も完璧に仕上げ、懐中堂の評判は上々。依頼主はたいがいちょっと変わった鉄道模型マニア。毎回なにかしらトラブルは起こるものの、のんびりまったりとした奥様がなんとなく?クリアしていきます。さて、今月号は若かりし頃の二人の出会いのお話。一寸法師の子孫である歯車輪太郎は、花の都大東京に出てきて鉄道模型店の看板娘、道子と出会います。道子を気に入った輪太郎はなんとか婿にしてもらおうと奮闘します…。このアプリケーションは[Androbook]を利用して作成されています。August issue ofe-bookprofessional manga magazine loud, the world's first launch!Formore information at the official site(!Any disclosure of information inTwitter (@ comicloud).■ Dragon Author cover of the August issue "X Ray Hunter".Ray's has a special smartphone. App you want to download, youcanget a variety of ability.■ popular serialized in popular manga is all together!2 network Adrien Folio: YonJo Yotsuba Automotive Department,atthe University. Race car in Europe is a sight to see.Dimensha 21: Yukie is professional care visit. Howeverthedeployment gag every time surreal.Hunter X-Ray: Ray performs a command to download a specialappcapability. Military SF mysterious.Ban-chan there is interaction with cartoon people overseas: DIARYOFA MANGA ARTIST Ippongi Ban. The transmission of thegeekworld.Nobunagaru: high school girls field that has entered in adifferentworld, will defeat the evil spirit to give a demon forceofNobunaga.Barber: The girl opened the barber shop to look for cluesofparents. Customers coming to ... there.■ "Flashlight husband" Hirai IchiroWife of Japanese clothes beautiful woman and husband of bosomsize.Two people are engaged in the repair shop "Kaichu-do"modelrailway. Her husband finish perfectly fine any repair,reputationKaichu-do the above ways. Ask the Lord model train buffunusualmostly. Trouble every time something occurs, but, his wifewaschillin leisurely somehow? Will continue to clear. Well,thismonth's issue is the story of the encounter of two peopleofyounger days. HanawaTaro gear is a descendant of the dwarfwillencounter poster girl of model railroad shop, and Michiko tocomeout to the large city of Tokyo flower. You struggle to be'llhaveto son-in-law somehow HanawaTaro you like the ... Michiko.This application is created using the [Androbook].
COMICLOUD Vol.3, No.6 English 1.0
This is the world first MangaMagazineexclusive for E-publishing. All the mangas in this bookareprovided only for COMICLOUD. Grab the real state-of-the-artcomicscoming from JAPAN![QUADRIFOGLIO 2 by Takeshi Okamoto]After a pre-tournament shakedown cruise, Sakurako, the womanwhoviews Chloe as her rival, dismisses her crew and assigns thefinalcheck to someone else. Meanwhile, Chloe, Yotsuba and the restofher club work like a team finishing up the 147 as the big daydrawsnear.[DEMENTIA 21 by Shintaro Kago]Every year a huge horde of grandchildren is demanding NewYear'sgifts from their grandpa. Together with Yukie Sakai he triestokeep the number of his grandchildren from growing by preventinghissons from making more kids, but...[X-HUNTER RAY by Ryu-zin]The Colonel gets in Maria's car. Maria suppresses her thirstforrevenge against him and heads for the airport... In this episodewelearn about Maria and Natalie's past.[NOBUNA-GIRL by Taro Matsumoto]Zola tries to bring in a lift in order to rescue the OniswordmasterAzuba, but she gets caught by some Oni. They take Zolaas a hostageand force her husband to show them Ran's location, butwhat they seethere is...[IT'S BANG IPPONGI' S DIARY OF A MANGA ARTIST by BangIppongi]"Manga artist" is a profession that everybody seems to know,butthere are quite a lot of misconceptions. This month'schapterfeatures some anecdotes about the mode of life ofmangaartists.This application is made by Androbook.